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Laboratories and Equipment

Laboratories and equipment's

There are seven laboratories in chemistry program (5 in female section and 2 in male section). Laboratory experience is provided in inorganic and organic synthesis, analytical methods, physical chemical measurements and spectroscopy. The equipment and techniques available to the undergraduate student include flam photometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, visible, ultraviolet, infra-red, fluorometery and mass spectrometers, Polarography, Voltammetry, and gas chromatography.

Laboratories service in teaching practical courses of chemistry in various branches in addition to physics and biology.   

I-  Female Section Laboratories

              1. Organic Chemistry Lab

The laboratory is equipped with the tools, glass and chemicals necessary to teach the practical courses for the branches of general and organic chemistry and contains a set of devices, including:

                                   1.        Rotary Evaporator system

                                   2.        Hotplates  (Ceramic –plate)

                                   3.        Drying Ovens (Digital)

                                   4.        Water bath

                                   5.        Heating mantle

                                   6.        Shake Temp  water bath

                                   7.        Immersion thermostat heating and cooling

                                   8.        Vacuum Pump

                                   9.        Kjeldahl distillation system

                                 10.      Shaker, 8 flask

                                 11.      Refrigerator

                                 12.      Balance

                                 13.      Centrifuge

                                 14.      Melting point apparatus

                                 15.      Digital thermometer

                      16.    Viscometers


              2. Instrumental Analysis Lab

The laboratory is equipped with the tools, glass and chemicals needed to teach the practical instrumental analysis for the seventh level students. The laboratory also serves the research side of students and faculty members and contains a set of devices, including:

                        1.        Hotplate with magnetic stirrer.

                        2.        Shaker, orbital.

                        3.        UV/visible Spectrophotometer (double beam)

                        4.        Drying Ovens (Digital)

                        5.        Water bath

                        6.        Fluorometer

                        7.        Polarography and Voltammetry System with PC support

                        8.        Shake Temp  water bath

                        9.        Immersion thermostat heating and cooling

                      10.      Vacuum Pump

                      11.      Muffle furnace

                      12.      Flam Photometers

                      13.      UV-VIS Spectrophotometer(single beam) 

                      14.      Shaker, 8 flask

                      15.      Computerized FTIR Infrared Spectrometer

                      16.      Analytical balance)

                      17.      Balance

                      18.      Centrifuge

                      19.      Desiccation: Cabinet

                      20.      Digital thermometer

                      21.      Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

                      22.      Gas Chromatography

                      23.      pH meter

                      24.      Distillator apparatus


           3. Physical and Analytical Chemistry Lab

The laboratory is equipped with the tools, glass and chemicals necessary to teach the practical courses of the branches of physical and analytical chemistry and contains a set of devices, like:


                    1.        Magnetic stirrer with hotplate.

                    2.        Shaker, orbital.

                    3.        Hotplates  (Ceramic –plate)

                    4.        Drying Ovens (Digital)

                    5.        Glass Thermometer

                    6.        Viscometer

                    7.        Water bath

                    8.        Stop watch

                    9.        Shake Temp  water bath

                   10.       Immersion thermostat heating and cooling

                   11.       Vacuum Pump

                   12.       Muffle furnace

                   13.       Shaker, 8 flask

                   14.       Refrigerator

                   15.       Analytical balance

                   16.       Digital thermometer

                   17.       Ostwald Viscometer

                   18.       Digital voltmeter and ammeter

                   19.       Heat Calorimeter

                   20.       pH meter


        4.     Inorganic and Biochemistry Lab 

The laboratory is equipped with the tools, glass and chemicals needed to teach the practical courses of biochemistry and inorganic chemistry. Contains a set of devices, like:

                 1.        Magnetic stirrer with hotplate.

                 2.        Shaker, orbital.

                 3.        Hotplates  (Ceramic –plate)

                 4.        Drying Ovens (Digital)

                 5.        Glass Thermometer

                 6.        Water bath

                 7.        Shake Temp water bath

                 8.        Immersion thermostat heating and cooling

                 9.        Vacuum Pump

                10.      Muffle furnace

                11.      Analytical balance

                12.      Digital thermometer

                13.      Balance

                14.      Centrifuge

                15.      Desiccation: Cabinet

                16.      pH meter

                17.      Distillator apparatus


       5.    Physics Lab

The laboratory is equipped with the necessary tools to teach general physics course. Contains a set of devices, like:

                 1.        Micrometer

                 2.        Sphero meter

                 3.        Vernier

                 4.        Various Resistance

                 5.        Multimeter

                 6.        Resistance Box

                 7.        Trans Formers

                 8.        Ameters

                 9.        Thermometers

                10.      Electronic Stop Watch

                11.      Micro-Voltmeter

                12.      Frank Hertz

                13.      Power Supply


       6.    Biology Lab

 The laboratory is equipped with the tools and devices necessary to teach the general biology curriculum. Contains a range of devices such as:

                 1.     Microscopes

                 2.     Electronic Microscope

                 3.     Electric furnace

                 4.     Hemocytometer

                 5.     Hematocrit

                 6.     Computers

                 7.     Microchips of different plants and animals


II-  Male Section Laboratories


1.  Lab No: 1

The laboratory is equipped with the tools and chemicals needed to teach general chemistry second level students (mathematics). Contains a set of devices such as:

              1.     Melting point apparatus

              2.     UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

              3.     Analytical balance

              4.     Digital balance

              5.     Hotplate with ceramic base

              6.     Water bath

              7.     Galas Thermometer

              8.     Oven

              9.     Dissector

             10.   Refrigerator

             11.   Distillator apparatus

             12.   UV/visible Spectrophotometer


2.  Lab No: 1

The laboratory is equipped with the necessary tools to teach the general biology curriculum. Contains a set of devices like:


     1.        Microscopes

     2.        Electric Oven

     3.        Hemocytometer

     4.        Hematocrit

     5.        Microchips of different plants and animals

Images of some devices