Atudent Activities

Committee for student activities and community service

Tasks of the Committee

- Statistics and classification of research projects related to educational affairs.

- Follow-up of conferences related to community and environmental concerns (national and international).

- Follow-up and activation of the relevant versions of the Department (bulletins - magazines).

- Activities required by addressing the department's council and following up its research plans, where part of it is directed to community and environmental affairs.

- Collecting and classifying the projects implemented by the branch and its members and the outputs of these projects to serve the community and development plans.

- Encouraging and developing the initiative of the students to maximize the return of the service role to society through seminars and publications in coordination with the committees concerned with the departments.

- Deepening communication between the department and the authorities responsible for the development plans in the province of evil.

- Developing practical programs to strengthen the relationship between the branch and the community and follow up their implementation

Members of the Committee


Committee Coordinator/boys

Committee Coordinator/girls

Members of the Committee

د. حسن عبيد الفضلي

أ. أندلين محمد الخطيب

1-       د. حسن عبيد الفضلي

2-       أ. ليث الهياجنة

3-       أ. علي سالم النهدي

4-       د. ياسر محمد الحسن

5-       أ. أندلين محمد الخطيب