Tasks of E-Learning Unit

1.      Managing e-learning at the college

2.      Preparing the quarterly and annual strategic plan for the unit.

3.      Make a coordination between the College and the Deanship of e-learning in any matter related to e-learning.

4.      Organizing and conducting training courses based on the Unit's plan in the field of e-learning for faculty members.

5.      Organizing and conducting training courses based on the Unit's plan in e-learning for students to deal with e-learning management systems.

6.      Provide technical support to faculty members in the field of e-learning.

7.      Provide technical support to students in the field of e-learning.

8.      Spreading of e-learning technology and programs at the college.

9.      Continuous assessment of the   e-learning in the college, and participation in the development of standards for evaluating the quality of electronic courses at the College and follow-up implementation.

10.  Prepare reports on what has been achieved in the college.