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Vision & Mission


 Leadership locally and regionally in education in the field of computer science education.


Preparing distinguished graduates academically and educationally to keep pace with the demands of sustainable development and keep pace with scientific and technical changes witnessed by the world in line with Islamic values.

Mission Description:

Computer Technology is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. Demand for high performance computing is a driving force for developments in all aspects of education and business. Computer Science Program is devoted to produce specialized graduates with practical and theoretical experiences in the fields of computer science to work in the education sector.

The graduates are able to keep pace of developments and the rapid scientific progress in the field of specialization in line with the national framework of qualifications and quality assurance standards and according to Islamic values.

The aims of  the  department  of computer science could be summarized as follow:

  1. Mastering the use of modern techniques required in the work environment.
  2. Carrying professional and ethical responsibilities in the work environment
  3. Scientific analysis of the problems in the field of computer science and the development of appropriate solutions.
  4. Knowledge of the rules and the theoretical foundations associated with specialization.