Girls Section - College of Science and Arts Sharoura


ضمن فعاليات ملتقى شباب ( مبدعون 2 ) بفرع جامعة نجران بشرورة ، أقيمت يوم الأربعاء الموافق 26/6/1439 أمسية شعرية وأدبية ، أحياها الشاعران الكبيران،  د. مهدي حكمي ، و د. محمد علي...
In the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Arts, Dr. Mohammed Al-Shehri and the Vice-Deans of the College, and the Vice Dean of the Community Service, Dr. Yeslam Al Nahdi, the...
In a beautiful evening under the patronage of the Renz Inn Hotel in Sharora, the University Branch held a meeting with the media of Shurura Governorate as a first step towards the launching of...