Study Plan

  (Contact hours: 4 per week)


· To develop students' knowledge of the English language and its basic structures.

· To enhance the abilities among the students for extensive study.

· To prepare the students to answer the questions properly using the subject-verb agreement.

· To develop the understanding of the students to comprehend anaphoric and cataphoric references.

· To develop their skill to relate the text to their practical lives.

· To develop their skill to integrate the knowledge present in the text.


Encourage the students to read the passage.
Use the method of silent reading.
Enable the students to scan and skim the passage.
Use the Direct Method.


The text book
White board
Smart board

Evaluation Techniques:

 Weekly evaluation (oral)
Mid-Term Written tests
· First Mid-Term Test: 25 marks

· Second Mid-term Test: 25 marks

Final exam: 50 marks


 1- Interaction (Access) Reading (Exercises 1, 2 & 3 in all chapters)

(Contact hours: 4 per week)

 Course Objectives:

 A: General Objectives:

 The syllabus of writing is framed with a view to enabling the students to develop basics of writing skill:

Paragraph Writing

E-Mail Writing (Formal & Informal)

Letter Writing (Formal & Informal)

Narration of Story/Events

 B: Specific Objectives:

 The syllabus of 141 writing focuses on the various ingredients of language such as punctuations, spelling, link words, contractions, and signal words with an objective to acquaint the students to use correct form of the language.

 Teaching Material:

 Prescribed books with Cd’s, Hand outs, recommendation of websites and work book.


 Direct method, Demonstrative Method, Interactive/communicative method with an eclectic approach etc.

 Teaching Aids:

 White Board, Projector, Computer etc.


 1- Interaction (Access) Writing (Exercises 4 & 5 in all chapters)

Evaluation Techniques:

-Weekly evaluation (oral)
-Mid-Term Written tests
-First Mid-Term Test: 25 marks

-Second Mid-term Test: 25 marks

Final exam: 50 marks

Reference Books:

 Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary

 Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary
 (Contact hours: 6 per week)

 Course Objectives:

1- This course aims to enable students to communicate smoothly, creatively, effectively and independently at different situations throughout intensive practices of listening exercises.

2- It also aims at boosting self-confident students concerning acquiring and practicing English.

Course Contents:

This course contains various listening exercises about different situations and subjects.

Teaching Methods and Strategies:

1- Communicative approach.

2- Audio-visual approach.

3- Direct method.

Educational Aids:

1- Computers.

2- Internet.

3- Books

Evaluation Techniques:

Weekly evaluation (oral)
Mid-Term Written tests
· First Mid-Term Test: 25 marks
· Second Mid-term Test: 25 marks
Final exam: 50 marks


1- Interaction (Access) Listening & Speaking

(Contact hours: 4 per week)


1.To orient the students to the basics of grammar and vocabulary usage.
2.To develop confidence in the students in differentiating kind of sentences.
3.To improve students’ ability in using verbs (regular and irregular) auxiliaries ‘be’ etc.
4-To enhance the knowledge of the English language and basics syntax structures.


Interactive Method
Communicative Method
Bilingual Method (if need arises)
Eclectic Approach


White Board


Weekly Evaluation (oral)
Mid-Term Written tests
First Mid-Term Test: 25 marks

Second Mid-term Test: 25 marks

Final exam: 50 marks


Interaction (Access) Grammar

Course Description:

In this course students will concentrate on broadening and deepening the language competencies they have developed through basic education, so that they are able to use English with increasing proficiency for personal and intellectual development, effective social interaction, further study, work and pleasure.

Course Contents:

This course will focus on units five to twelve of the ‘Total English’ pre intermediate package as follows:
should, can, have to. Present perfect with for and since.

Using will, too, too much/ many and enough. Uses of like.

First conditional, gerunds, infinitives. Expressing purpose, giving a reason and explaining a result.

Present simple passive, questions, past continuous and past simple.

Using can ,could, be able to. Past simple passive.

Phrasal verbs, countable/uncountable nouns. The definite article (the)

Present perfect simple with just, yet and already. Verbs with two objects and the past perfect simple.

second conditional, reported speech, and both, neither, either.

Course Format:

Class sessions will include presentation of new language items via reading and /or listening texts, explanation and analysis of grammatical rules. Varied practice, including form-based exercises as well as interactive pair and group activities.

Assignments/Examination Grading Scale:

The exams grade will be computed as follows:
First Mid-term Test: 25 Marks
Second Mid-Term Test: 25 Marks
Final exam: 50 Marks
Grades: Students desiring exam grade results should contact their instructor, who will respond with the information requested.
Academic Expectations:
Attendance and Homework
Students are expected to punctually attend all classes. Please refer to the attendance policy sheet that you have been given. This document details attendance expectations. Please be reminded that students arriving to class more than ?
minutes late will be recorded as absent. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments.

Classroom Rules:

No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom.
Interruptions from electronic devices (cell phones, etc.) will not be allowed.

Computers and electronic translators should be switched off during class and used only when allowed by the instructor.

The medium of instruction is English. Instructors are requested to abide by this rule and encourage students to use English as best they can during classes.
Educational Aids:

Audio CD


Text Books:

Interactions 1 (Reading, Writing, Listening & speaking, Grammar)

Course Description:

This course teaches students the basic principles of effective report writing. They will learn different skills required at different stages involved in effective report writing. While students learn report writing skill, they focus on format, mechanical correctness and clarity of expressions. Moreover, they learn to collaborate effectively with other students while working on simulated business assignments.


Students will be able to:

1.Write grammatically and mechanically correct language
2.Differentiate between effective and ineffective written communication
3.Identify the context, purposes, audiences, and processes of formal written communication
4.Develop pre-writing skills, which include brain-storming, choosing and consulting appropriate material, scanning material and taking notes
5.Learn while-writing skills, which include making use of notes, writing first draft, consulting dictionaries and other reference books
6.Proofread their and their class fellows’ written work
7.Produce various written pieces of formal communication for various types of audiences
8.Learn and Use effective strategies for collaborative work in preparing written business communication

Course Contents:

As this term is nearly ended, here is given only a tentative plan for the next term.
1.Review of all sentence structures including first conditional
2.Connecting sentences, using transitional words for different effects
3.Sentence fragments, redundancy and punctuation
4.Formal and informal language-differences and uses
5.Qualities of an effective paragraph
6.Analyzing, contrast ,comparison
7.Argumentative writing, generalizations/ drawing conclusions
8.Taking notes for different types of composition
10.Business letters /information & request
11.Cover letters and resume
13.Summarizing formal documents
14.Brief reports
15.Meetings & agenda

Teaching Strategies and Methodologies:

1.At the outset, all types of sentence structures are reviewed.
2.After that, students are shown how sentences can be related to each other by using coordination and subordination clauses and how to use connecting words to achieve different purposes.
3.Next, students are trained to identify and use differences in formal and informal language for different purposes.
4.Then, students are trained on addressing topics from different perspectives. To achieve that contrast and logical analysis will be used extensively.
5.Students apply previous knowledge of language to complete different tasks meanwhile learning new language tools for writing.
6.Over all teaching approach should be Task Based (students completing tasks under teachers’ guidance).
7.Teachers should use eclectic approach to writing (i.e. students read sample texts and then produce similar texts).
8.Teachers should make the maximum possible use of pre-writing discussions, group work, and homework assignments.
9.Teachers should use guided writing techniques unless students are capable of doing free writing

Teaching Aids:

1.Computers & projectors
3.Leaflets for sample material and activities
4.Smart boards
5.White boards
Text Books
Although Composition Practice covers many topics, no particular book encompasses all contents. Therefore, teachers are advised to use books listed below for designing resource material.
Linda L. B. Composition Practice, book 3, third edition: ( it might be used as the course book for the first half of the term)
Business Goals, book 2&3, Cambridge: relevant topics (from reading and writing activities) include emails( formal, informal), applying for job, getting permission/response/feedback, Summary & reports, meetings & agenda, presentations

-Writing from Within, Cambridge ( blue cover): memos etc

-We Mean Businesses, Longman: all relevant activities

Reference Books for Students:

Essential Activator, Longman
Oxford Grammar Practice, or any other good grammar exercises book
Oxford Word-Power Dictionary
Evaluation Techniques:

Weekly evaluation (oral)
Mid-Term Written tests
First Mid-Term Test: 25 marks
Second Mid-term Test: 25 marks
Final exam: 50 marks